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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

How to Protect Yourself from Dogs While Walking

  1. Avoid Places Step 1.jpg
    Avoid walking in places you know or suspect aggressive dogs may be.
    • Even if an aggressive dog is fenced, avoid walking right past it if possible. Stay well away from the dog's territory. Large dogs can jump fences if agitated.
    • Dogs in packs are especially dangerous. Avoid groups of dogs that number 3 or more.
    • Be wary of walking on country roads that may be places dogs roam free. Often unwanted dogs are dumped in the country and left to fend for themselves. These dogs may have been aggressive in the first place or have become so because of having been abandoned. Frightened dogs are dangerous.

  2. Resist stray dog Step 2.jpg
    Resist petting a stray dog or even a dog that is out walking with its owner. Ask permission before approaching the animal. Especially avoid petting a dog that is eating or drinking or approaching a mother with pups.
  3. Control your emotions Step 3.jpg
    Control your emotions as much as you can if a dog threatens to attack. Dogs can sense panic and may become even more aggressive.
    • Never make direct eye contact. Keep the dog in your peripheral vision but don't look it right in the eye as dogs may perceive this as a threat.
    • Don't turn your back on a barking or charging dog.
    • Never run from a dog as it will outrun and overcome you easily.
    • Speak to the dog in a firm, calm voice giving it commands to sit or stay. Shrieks, cries or shouts may antagonize the animal further. Don't smile or speak in a friendly, wheedling voice either.
  4. Stop Jog Step 4.jpg
    Stop jogging or slow down your walk. Running triggers a dog's instinct to chase you. Avoid sudden movement.
  5. Protect yourself Step 5.jpg
    Protect yourself from serious injury if the dog does attack.
    • Guard your throat with your arm. Teach children to protect their throats by placing their fists under their chins. Tell them to not flail their hands or jump around.
    • Kick a small dog hard in the nose. The nose is a sensitive area and that may deter the dog from biting.
    • Assume a firm stance. Stand with one leg in front of the other to maintain your balance.
    • Use anything handy as a barrier between you and the attacking dog. A purse, backpack, or umbrella can be used as a weapon or shield. Sometimes opening and closing an umbrella in the animal's face might deter it. Look for a nearby car or fence to get behind or climb onto.
    • If you are knocked down or fall, curl into a ball and protect your head, neck and abdomen. Cover your face with your hands.
    • As difficult as it may be, try not to pull away from a dog that is biting you. This will only make it more aggressive. Instead grab the back of its head and press it against your arm. That way it can't close its mouth (to deepen the injure).
  6. Carry Weapons Step 6.jpg
    Protect yourself by carrying a defensive weapon with you on your walk.
    • Pepper spray directed at the attacking dog's eyes can stop it in its tracks. Be aware of wind direction while spraying, however, as the spray could blow back on you.
    • Electronic whistles or other devices emit sounds that cause dogs extreme discomfort and may cause them to leave you alone.
    • Think about carrying a stun gun designed to protect you from vicious dogs. A telescopic stun baton is thought to be best as this device extends out so you can make contact with the dog from a distance. Many times the sounds made from the electronic charge is enough to frighten the dog away without actually harming it.

    Thanks Wiki how for sharing knowledge.

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