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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Manusia Pemalas

Ye.Aku memang pemalas.Aku akui 100.01% aku nie pemalas.Aku perempuan pemalas.
Aku pemalas tetapi mak aku tak pernah bising bagitau aku nie pemalas sejak aku baby lagi.Gene pemalas nie agaknya aku dapat masa zigot lagi kot.Aku memang pemalas.Nak update blog pun aku malas.Dalam ramai-ramai manusia kat rumah nie aku la yang pemalas.Pemalas betul la aku nie.
Aku harap la suatu hari nanti ada la hantu rajin merasuk aku supaya aku rajin.....Terima mak yang tak pernah berleter tengok aku selalu tidur.Terima kasih Bulat kerana selalu memahami aku.Kau sanggup berlapar tunggu tuan kau bangun tidur.Terima kasih akak dan adik yang selalu tak buat bising masa aku tidur.Terima kasih semua.

Masa cuti nie la kemalasan tahap dewa.Disebabkan malas nie la wujudnya pelbagai penyelesaian kepada perkataan malas.Ramai lagi malas cam aku tapi berjaya la.Contohnya:

Alexander Graham Bell sebenarnya dia malas menyampaikan suatu pesan dia harus ngirim surat.maka dari itu dia membuat telefon pertama.

Henry Ford sebenarnya malas mengayuh basikal pergi ke suatu tempat.Dengan itu,dia membuat kereta pertama di dunia yang siap mengantarnya kemana saja tanpa berjalan kaki.

Robert Kiyosaki sebenarnya malas pergi dan belajar di sekolah.Oleh itu, dia membuat buku untuk dijadikan bahan bacaan dirinya sendiri sendiri sehingga berjaya(kalau aku malas pergi sekolah mak aku bagi rotan.Keliling rumah aku lari takut kena rotan).

Otis sebenernya malas hendak menaiki anak tangga setiap kali mahu ke tingkat tertinggi suatu gedung.maka dari itu dia membuat lift yang boleh membuatnya tetap santai untuk ke tingkat tertinggi.

Wright bersaudara malas harus menghabiskan waktu berhari-hari pergi ke tempat yang jauh. maka dari itu dia membuat pesawat terbang yang boleh menghantarnya ke tempat jauh dalam sekejap.

Donald Trump merasa malas jika dia mahu membeli sesuatu dia harus kerja keras untuk mendapatkan wang.Jadi, dia membuat kerajaan bisnes dimana wang bekerja untuknya.

wooowwww!!!!  Ramai yang berjaya adalah orang yang malas!!! Tanpa kita sedari juga... teknologi yang sekarang berkembang semakin membuat manusia menjadi pemalas. memang kalo bahasa inteleknya sih "teknologi membuat semua jadi mudah"... hahaha... Padahal yang sesungguhnya adalah "teknologi semakin mendorong kita ke puncak kemalasan"

p/s:Orang zaman dulu malas diaorang dari sudut positif je.Terciptanya teknologi membuat manusia makin malas.Oh malas.Aku harap la nanti malas aku nie akan membuat aku sukses masa depan nanti.

Beautiful Islands in the World

Islands are probably the most beautiful holiday getaways. Tropical islands and beautiful beaches, the sheer scenic beauty, the exotic flora and fauna make islands one of the most popular tourist places. There are just a few islands around the world which are really worth visiting. Here is a list of 10 most gorgeous islands in the world.
Most Gorgeous Islands in the World

1. Maldives

Situated in the Laccadive Sea, southwest of Sri Lanka, and officially known as the Republic of Maldives, Maldives is a tropical paradise attracting hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over the world. It has the clear water, great lush islands, and beautiful white sandy beaches. There are also many coral islands in Maldives.
If you’re fond of underwater beauty, be sure to visit Maaya Thila – one of the most popular and exciting dive sites in the Maldives. Maaya Thila is well-known as a perfect spot for both night-time and daytime scuba diving. You will see a thousand species of fish and the marvelous formation of more than 3000 coral reefs. I’m not a professional diver but I would like to try scuba diving at night. Maaya Thila is definitely on my travel bucket list!

2. Seychelles Island

Seychelles Island
Situated in the Republic of Seychelles, east of Africa and north-east of the Madagascar Island, Seychelles Island is an archipelago of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean. It is one of the most popular tourist places boasting the wonderful tropical beaches and spectacular wildlife. You can engage in diving, snorkeling, sailing and fishing on this gorgeous island.
There are many festivals and events held in the Seychelles. The most popular are the Seychelles Sailing Cup in January, the International Fishing Competition in November, and the SUBIOS Underwater Festival, which showcases extraordinary underwater world of Seychelles through a series of competitions, film shows and talks. In short, surrounded by pristine warm waters and iconic rock formations, Seychelles Islands are perfect for your vacation, getaway, or wedding!

3. Mnemba Island

Mnemba Island
With its white sand beaches and crystal clear water, the Mnemba Island is one of the most gorgeous islands in the world. Situated off the northeast coast of Unguja, Mnemba Island boasts about 150 fish species and spectacular underwater natural beauty in its flora and fauna that can be enjoyed by engaging in scuba diving, fishing and snorkeling.
While visiting Mnemba Island, make sure you explore the coral reef gardens where a great variety of beautiful reef fish swim. Since Mnemba is a small island it will leave you feeling like it’s almost entirely yours. Lie on dazzling white sands, swim with the dolphins, dive the balmy waters to explore rich underwater world of coral reefs, or simply relax and listen to the sounds of gentle waves lapping against the shore. The choice is all yours!

4. Tahiti Island

Tahiti Island
Situated in the Windward group of French Polynesia, the Tahiti Island is located in the southern Pacific Island. This gorgeous island is formed by volcanic eruptions and interspersed by coral reefs. Tahiti Island is a tropical island perfect for snorkeling and diving.
The climate is tropical. Summer in Tahiti is from November through April, when the climate is warm and more humid. Winter is from May through October, with slightly cooler and drier climate. Keep it in mind when you plan your trip to Tahiti Island! Be sure to pack only lightweight cotton clothes, since synthetic fabrics get hot and sticky. And don’t forget your sunscreen lotion and a wide brimmed hat!

5. Perhentian Islands, Malaysia

Perhentian Islands, Malaysia
A group of small islands, the Perhentian islands, are located just off the shore of the Malaysian province of Terengganu. Perhentian Kecil (small island) and Perhentian Besar (big island) are two main islands. Perhentian Kecil is more popular among budget travelers and back packers, since it’s substantially cheaper while Perhentian Besar a little pricey and more popular among luxury seeking tourists.

6. Cebu Island, Philippines

Cebu Island, Philippines
Cebu Island is among the most popular tourist attractions in the Philippines. It’s one of the really beautiful islands in Asia. It boasts 5 star luxuries, golf, shopping, quaint restaurants and cafes. Surrounded by numerous unspoiled and uninhabited smaller islands, Cebu Island is visited by a lot of tourists from all over the world.

7. Koh Lipe, Thailand

Koh Lipe, Thailand
One of the smallest islands in Asia, Koh Lipe is another most beautiful island worth visiting. With three large beaches in the shape of boomerang, you can easily walk around the whole island in an hour. Absolutely undeveloped and well-kept secret with many visitors heading off to one of the most popular tourist places, it’s a fabulous Asian island!

8. Boracay Island, Philippines

Boracay Island, Philippines
One of the most popular Asian islands, Boracay boasts its natural, aesthetic beach beauty to all tourists. And if you plan on lying on the beach and having your cocktail refilled, then Boracay should be in your list of must visit places! Boracay offers diving, a number of amazing water sports opportunities, vibrant nightlife and much more!

9. Gili Islands, Indonesia

Gili Islands, Indonesia
Lombok’s most popular tourist place, the Gili islands are still a great favorite on the Banana Pancake Trail. With a number of expat running accommodation, amazing restaurants, and bucket loads of energy and charisma, Gili Islands attracts tourists from all over the world.

10. Phi Phi Islands, Thailand

Phi Phi Islands, Thailand
Thanks to the well-known movie ‘The Beach’ that came out in 2000, the gripping scenery of the Phi Phi islands came right into the cinemas and our homes. The Phi Phi islands are 2 islands making up this fabulous paradise in Thailand. Coral reefs and many different kinds of colorful marine life make Phi Phi islands one of the most popular travel destinations for tourist worldwide.

11. Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam

Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam
Breathtakingly beautiful, pristine and virtually deserted, Phu Quoc is one of the most beautiful islands in Asia worth visiting! With mesmerizing turquoise waters, cashmere white sands and sprawling jungles, Phu Quoc is definitely an unforgettable place to visit in Asia!

12. Sipadan Island

Sipadan Island
Situated off the east coast of Sabah in Malaysian Borneo, Sipadan Island is one of the best destinations for scuba diving anywhere in the globe. The coral reef with its rich marine life and the beautiful sandy beaches make this island very attractive to tourists worldwide.
There are no restaurants, so make sure you bring your own lunch and snacks with you. And don’t forget to take along some clear water or any other drinks. To preserve the island in a pristine state, all resorts on Sipadan Island have been closed. So consider resorts on the nearby islands of Kapalai (about 15 minutes by boat) and Mabul (about 25 minutes by boat).

13. Bali

Being called the Island of the Gods, Bali boasts its varied landscape of mountains and hills, stunning sandy beaches and rugged coastlines, barren volcanic hillsides and lush rice terraces, which make it one of the most beautiful islands in Asia!

16 Most Peaceful Countries in The World

Do you know which are the most peaceful countries in the world? Since 2007 each year, the Global Peace Index has been issued by the IEP (Institute for Economics and Peace) and is a measurement of nations’ and regions’ peacefulness based on external and internal measures. Although it seems like the world is becoming more cruel, according to the Global Peace Index there are 20 most peaceful countries in the world.

1. Denmark

Denmark tops the list of the most peaceful countries on Earth since it’s really a safe place to live. Even while Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, was under occupation by the Nazis during the World War II, it still did not fight. The point is that people living in Denmark prefer to focus on economic matters, instead of involving themselves in various armed conflicts. Danish people are very friendly, open and helpful. Personally I have been to Copenhagen twice and I wish I lived in this country. I’m pretty sure that those who have been to Denmark at least once could say the same.

2. Norway

Many people do not expect Norway to appear in the list of the most peaceful countries in the world. Perhaps, this is because of Anders Behring Breivik, mass murderer, who hit the pride of the country hard. Sure, it was an extraordinary incident, but according to the Global Peace Index Norway is one of the world’s most peaceful countries and friendly and safe place to live. Norway is the country with the highest level of human development in the globe, plus, the government of Oslo always places peace at the forefront of the priorities of the country.

3. Singapore

As an active member of the international community and, overall, a small nation, Singapore can never take its right to exist and security for granted. Since achieving its independence in 1965 as a sovereign Republic, Singapore has always concentrated on being a great neighbor, through establishing social, peaceful, economic, cordial political relations with all countries.
The country has worked with the United Nations and its supporting agencies on a great variety of efforts. It also participates in various global, unilateral and multilateral organizations to promote international cooperation, including WTO (World Trade Organization). Singapore is among the most peaceful countries in the world as well as one of the world’s wealthiest countries. The homicide and violent crime rates are lower than the criminal rates.

4. Slovenia

A beautiful European country, Slovenia is also among the most peaceful countries in the world. The country got its lowest marks in funding for the United Nations peacekeeping missions, number of police and security officers, level of perceived criminality in society, number of organized internal conflicts, violent protests, and number of internal and external wars fought. I agree with the Global Peace Index and believe that Slovenia deserves its place in the list of the most peaceful countries on Earth. Moreover, with its wonderful cities like Maribor and Ljubljana teeming with unique culture, Slovenia is a fantastic travel destination.

5. Sweden

One of the most beautiful Scandinavian countries, Sweden is located in the far north of Europe. Although Sweden is one of the biggest weapon exporters in Europe, the country has a low level of robberies (only 9,000 a year) compared to the United States (about 350,000 a year)! According to the Global Peace Index, Sweden is one of the most peaceful countries in the world, in spite of the fact that it’s among the world’s top arms exporters. Besides, Sweden has not been to war and has not participated in any combats for the whole 2 centuries.

6. Iceland

Iceland was also ranked as one of the most peaceful countries in the world, staying out of the main conflicts in the world. Iceland seldom or never hits the headlines and despite the collapse of the Icelandic banks several years ago, the country is remained as an amazing place of spectacular natural beauty. Tourists from all parts of the world come to Iceland to view its huge glaciers and raging volcanoes, as well as numerous unique natural and cultural attractions in Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland.

7. Belgium

According to the Global Peace Index, Belgium is one of the best and most peaceful places to live in Europe and on Earth. Situated in the heart of Europe, this small country holds a special place. Brussels, the capital of Belgium, is home to the European Union and NATO. Belgium boasts medieval cities, beautiful town halls, majestic castles, and captivating natural beauty. Homicide and imprisonment rates are low in this country, even though Belgium did experience a crisis within its government over the 2008-2011 period.

8. Czech Republic

Czech Republic
A relatively new country, the Czech Republic gained its independence from the Soviet Bloc in 1989 due to the Velvet Revolution and its subsequent split with Slovakia. After the division of Czechoslovakia, the Czech Republic has largely concentrated on building a strong capitalist economy and creating a stable climate for investment. In 2009, the Human Development Index (HDI) ranked the Czech Republic as a country of ‘Very High Human Development.’ Renowned mostly for its magnificent capital city Prague and breathtaking natural beauty, the Czech Republic draws tourists from all over the world.

9. Switzerland

According to IEP, the Swiss maintain a well-functioning government and an open political culture. Illustrating the quality of government, Switzerland received the lowest score for political instability. It’s also among the world’s most peaceful countries that have low levels of violent crime. Although Switzerland is known for its neutrality in regional, international and global political issues, it maintains strong diplomatic relations with various countries around the world.

10. Japan

One of the most enchanting countries culturally, Japan has the third largest economy in the world. Since the World War II, Japan has been really peaceful, with little internal conflict and low crime. The country settles on an internal security force in order to maintain the peace. Japan is a peaceful as well as breathtakingly beautiful country worth visiting.

11. Ireland

With its rich historical sites, amazing green pastures and friendly people, it’s not surprising that Ireland is one of the most peaceful countries on Earth! Ireland is an overall fabulous country with a plethora of reasons for tourism! Its rich literary history, castle-topped hills, spectacular coastline and legendary hospitality make Ireland a wonderful place to visit any time of the year.

12. Finland

Finland is considered one of the most peaceful and livable countries, which is not renowned for its combative nature. Finland is still a country that embraces mandatory civil and military service for young people, and the country’s only participation in fighting has been as a part of joint United Nations peacekeeping forces. When speaking about Finland, I want to say about its education. Finland places education at the heart of literally everything. Finland’s education system is ranked fifth best in the world.

13. New Zealand

New Zealand
Each year since 2007, the Institute for Economics and Peace has ranked New Zealand as one of the most peaceful countries in the world. With a small percentage of its population in prison, limited military capability, strong relations with Australia and down-to-earth hospitality, New Zealand is a wonderful country to live in. This is a country of natural beauty, diverse scenery and quirky natives. Visitors from all over the world come to New Zealand to experience rugged landscape, breathtaking alpine glaciers, awesome beaches and fantastic geothermal and volcanic activity. The country is also renowned for its fine wines and there are a great number of grape varieties planted throughout New Zealand. So if you are a great wine lover, you should definitely visit New Zealand at least once in life.

14. Canada

Having one of the best standards of living in the world, Canada is also one of the most peaceful countries on Earth. It has a population of approximately 33 million people, yet it’s the second largest country in the world by area. With clean and safe cities, spectacular scenery and extremely friendly people, Canada is a wonderful and peaceful country to live in. The largest strike against the peace score of Canada is that it has a comparatively high military capability, though it currently is not involved in any conflict.

15. Australia

Australia is a beautiful and peaceful country that offers cultural diversity, spectacular beaches, loads of breathtaking natural beauty, wonderful fauna and friendly people with an amazing sense of humor. Although Australia is a large country, approximately the same size as the USA, it has a small population of about 20 million, so there’s a lot of uninhabited space worth visiting. Australia’s low crime rate, stable political system, high standards of health care and well-maintained roads make it a safe and comparatively easy country to live in or just to explore.

16. Malaysia

Malaysia has had one of the best economic records in Asia, with GDP growing at an average 6.5% per annum for almost 50 years. The economy has traditionally been fueled by its natural resources, but is expanding in the sectors of science, tourism, commerce and medical tourism. Today, Malaysia has a newly industrialised market economy, ranked third largest in Southeast Asia and 29th largest in the world. It is a founding member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the East Asia Summit and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, and a member of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, the Commonwealth of Nations, and the Non-Aligned Movement.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Kecomelan Meow Terserlah Jua

Meow yang Comel
Ada yang gemar membela kucing dan ada juga yang gemarkan anjing.

Perbalahan antara cat person dan dog person ini yang entah sejak dari bila wujudnya, kadang-kadang mewujudkan debat yang tak masuk akal terutamanya di bahagian komen video-video Youtube.

Tapi yang beragama islam pastilah akan memilih kucing, kecuali bagi mereka yang tak suka kucing mungkin akan mencari alternatif haiwan lain seperti arnab, ikan, hamster, burung, mentibang, mentadak mentadu, penguin albino, siamang gagap dan sebagainya.

Kucing yang selain menjadi haiwan kesayangan Rasulullah, juga boleh memberi manfaat kepada pembelanya, seperti peneman kesepian bagi mereka yang foreveralone, mengurangkan stress dan juga boleh memberi manfaat kesihatan.

Selain itu memiliki haiwan kesayangan tidak kira samada kucing atau haiwan lain sebenarnya boleh mengubah hidup seseorang seperti kisah seorang lelaki ini yang mengambil keputusan untuk tidak membunuh diri kerana anak anjing kesayangannya. Kucing juga mempunyai beberapa sifat menarik yang mungkin tidak diketahui ramai.

Hah, jadi macam mana? Anda sukakan haiwan apa? Saya pastilah gemarkan kucing, jika tidak takkanlah saya nak buat entri pasal 35 gambar kucing comel yang lucu dan menggelikan hati ni. Hehe, cekdemout!

kucing kelakar
kucing comel
anak kucing jilat lidah
anak kucing berlainan warna
kucing jalan catwalk
anak kucing bergaduh
kucing tidur gaya comelkucing tua tersenyum
kucing dalam kotak
kucing tidur atas meja snooker
anak kucing comel
anak kucing comel tidur
anak kucing tidur terlentang
anak kucing cute
kucing garang
anak kucing dan anak ayam
kucing panjat pagar
anak kucing tersenyum
anak kucing tidur atas kerusi
anak kucing tidur atas tilam
anak kucing tidur atas kerusi
anak kucing tidur dalam cawan
dua anak kucing comel
kucing comel tidur
anak kucing tidur ramai
tidur dalam kasut
kucing comel pemalu
kucing dan anjing
kucing pemalu
anak kucing dalam tin
anak kucing tidur
kucing bergaduh
anak kucing tidur dalam cawankucing cute
anak kucing comel tidur