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Monday, June 9, 2014

Properties of Gas (ATKINS)

1.1b)Could 25g of Argon in a  vessel of a volume 1.5dm3 exert a  pressure of 2.20dm3 at 30oC if it behaved as a perfect gas?If not,what pressure would it exert?(b)What pressure would it exert if it behaved as a van der Waals gas?
1.2(b) A perfect gas undergoes isothermal compression, which reduces its volume by 1.80 dm3. The final pressure and volume of the gas are 1.97 bar and 2.14 dm3, respectively. Calculate the original pressure of the gas in (a) bar,(b) Torr.

1.3(b) A sample of hydrogen gas was found to have a pressure of 125 kPa when the temperature was 23°C. What can its pressure be expected to be when the temperature is 11°C?

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