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Sunday, June 29, 2014


Petrochemistry adalah salah satu subjek wajib aku belajar kat Uni.Best la.Memang minat aku pon.Jom study sikit subjek petrochemistry.Petrochemistry is a subject or topics that focus on petroleum and petrochemicals.

The major products of oil refining are: gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, fuel oil and kerosene. Each of these products consists of a blend of several different streams produced by the various refinery processes to meet final specifications.
These products are then stored in a tank farm on the refinery premises before being delivered to retail markets.
Delivery may be via pipeline to area distribution terminals, or loaded onto tanker trucks for direct delivery to retail outlets. 

Fractillation distillation is a separation process that separate crude oil into more fraction/components(kerosene,gasoline and other) for the power generation.

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